On Saturday, October 5th 2014, the Jr. Stewards and families braved the cold and windy day to harvest Common Milkweed, Whorled Milkweed, and Butterfly Weed seed pods. Their goal was to collect the seed and then disperse it in other areas of the prairie to make additional suitable habitat for hosting the Monarch Butterfly. Hopefully, next Summer, we will have additional plants to aid the Monarch Butterfly when they pass through our area.
- Harvesting the seed
- Harvesting the seed
- Harvesting the seed
- Harvesting the seed
- Harvesting the seed
- Harvesting the seed
- Harvesting the seed
- Harvesting the seed
- Harvesting the seed
- Harvesting the seed
- Harvesting the seed
- Harvesting the seed
- Harvesting the seed
- Collecting the seed pods
- Collecting the seed pods
- Collecting the seed pods
- Collecting the seed pods
- Collecting the seed pods
- Collecting the seed pods
- Redistributing the seed
- Redistributing the seed
- Redistributing the seed
- Redistributing the seed
- Harvesting the seed
- Harvesting the seed
- Harvesting the seed
- Harvesting the seed
- Harvesting the seed
- Harvesting the seed
- Harvesting the seed
- Collecting the seed pods
- Collecting the seed pods
- Collecting the seed pods
- Collecting the seed pods
- Collecting the seed pods
- Collecting the seed pods
- Collecting the seed pods
- Collecting the seed pods
- Collecting the seed pods
- Transportation to far end of the prairie