Ornate Box Turtles at Lost Mound Unit
Attention!!! Ornate Box Turtle Update from Jeramie Strickland and Lost Mound Unit:
I have attached photos that were taken August 26th 2014 at Lost Mound Unit inside of the turtle enclosure. The four hatchlings came from a nest that was laid June 9th 2014. The female was translocated May 2013 from Local Redevelopment Authority property, with the help of the John Rucker and his turtle dogs. The female was moved out of ‘harms way’ because the area is slated for railroad development in the near future. This same female also nested (3 eggs) inside of the enclosure at Lost Mound Unit June 7th 2013. Unfortunately, only one of the eggs seemed to successfully hatch due to partial nest depredation.
This brings our population estimate at Lost Mound Unit to ~57 ornates:
-14 hatchlings from natural nests over the years
-24 headstarts
-10 adult males (1sub adult) -8 adult females
Huge thanks to the partners, volunteers, and staff for their support and assistance with this project!
Jeramie T. Strickland
Wildlife Biologist
I forgot to mention, notice the penny in the one photo and you can get an idea of the size of the baby turtles!
Posted By Connie Zink

Ornate Box Turtles at Lost Mound Unit

Ornate Box Turtles at Lost Mound Unit